About Me
Casey Stefanowski
Building a stronger you starts with taking that first step for yourself and joining me on your journey to a better, stronger you!
My journey started as a dancer at the Milwaukee Ballet School, which I attended between the ages of 7–19. The skills I learned at the Milwaukee Ballet School have translated to my everyday drive. The amount of precision and thought required to point your foot in front of you can be an overwhelming and daunting task to many. For me, it pushed me to make every movement in my dance purposeful, just like in life. Ballet has taught me the dedication and patience it takes to become a better, stronger me!
The next step in my health and fitness journey led me to Carroll University. I earned my bachelor's degree in exercise science, which taught me the body's incredible science and mechanics. In Carroll's program, I had multiple areas of study, including biological, physical, and health sciences. This multi-faceted approach helped me understand the human body, how it responds to movement through exercise and sports, and how to apply this knowledge to people of varying abilities to improve their physical health and well-being. Carroll taught me so much through their program; I have applied everything I learned in their classes to every one of my clients. Carroll's community also taught me to be hard-working and never give up even when times get hard! That drive is what keeps pushing me forward every day to become a
better stronger me!
After completing my degree in exercise science, my journey led me to Greendale High School. I began working as a Paraprofessional. I have the privilege of working with this fantastic population daily. During my time at Greendale, I have supported teachers and staff by providing students with instructional and behavioral support both in and out of the classroom. I have also worked one-on-one with students and led small group activities, lessons, and projects to help students receive the support necessary to succeed. Every single one of these skills has helped me better understand this fantastic population. I am able to apply what I have learned from Greendale and my students to my career as a trainer for this particular population, which makes me a better, stronger me!
My journey has led me here to starting my own business as a personal trainer programming an inclusive fitness program. By combining all the skills that I have gained throughout my life, I am able to work with the population in the field that I love. My journey has not stopped here; it continues with you. I can't wait to help lead you through your journey of becoming a better and stronger you!